
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Panmure Pools

One school day I went with my whole school on a pool picnic day to panmure pools.
At the pools I saw a diving pool, a hydro slide, a gym and it looked fabulous.

At the pools I could hear kids shouting and screaming in the hydro slide.
I could hear people splashing around from the diving board and kids dashing into the pools.
I could hear kids having fun and I could hear kids and the seniors laughing.

At the pools I had butterflies in my stomach as I went down the hydro slide.
I let out a loud roar when I went on the hydro slide and I shield my eyes from the sun as I came out of the hydro slide. The pool was just big enough for the whole school.
I was excited when I went down on the hydro slide.
when I came down on the slide my dad smiled at me.

On the picnic day I had a great day and I looked forward to going to the panmure pools again.

Friday 23 October 2015

Thursday 22 October 2015

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Helpful words



Over the top



Earthquake shakeout

“Rm 5 today we are going to do Drop,Cover and Hold. Which means we are going to have a earthquake shakeout.” Said Mrs.sharma.

Mrs.sharma was showing us a video of people showing us what to do when a earthquake shakes like someone that is shaking a bottle happens. They showed us how to do and it is very simple to do it is Drop which means to go on your ness, Cover which means go on your ness and cover yourself, Hold which means hold on to the edge of the table and still cover yourself.

So  the drill began to start but it was outside but even if we could still hear it we still did the Drop, Cover, and Hold.
As we waited the drill went off and mrs.kelly said “everyone it is safe but please check the roll to see if everyone is safe thank you.” Mrs.sharma checked the roll and everyone was safe in the school.

Not just Tamaki Primary school did but the whole New Zealand did it even our parents and aunt's, uncle’s and everyone.  

Maths work

My hero

Different kinds of Puppets